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November 4, 2006

The Dark Knight News Roundup
source: Various

According to Latino Review, Pre Production for the film has started and several crew members from the previous film, Wally Pfister, Nathan Crowley, Lindy Hemming, Simon Lamont and Kevin Kavanaugh will be on this film as well. has an interview with Begins co-composer Hans Zimmer. Zimmer says that he hasn't been called back yet and adds that a true Batman theme will appear as Batman develops.

November 1, 2006

The Everywhere Man pictures
source: Comics Continuum

Below is a picture of The Everywhere Man from the upcoming The Batman episode of the same name


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The episode, which stars Brandon Routh as Everywhere Man, will air Saturday November 4 on Kids WB.

Hit the link above to see more pictures from the episode

DC News Roundup
source: Various

DC has released its list of collections and trade paperbacks and notable on the list is an Absolute version of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's The Long Halloween. More details as they come but the full list can be found Here.

DC has told Newsarama that Jamal Igle will be doing the artwork for Nightwing and Robin artist Freddie Williams has signed a two year exclusive deal with the company.