The Bat has a new member(October 25, 2000) At this time I am pleased to announce the newest member of The Bat. St Just. For some of you who may not know, St Just used to write reviews for the BATCAVE and gave them flair with humour and interesting tidbits. Now he brought his wit here So give a warm welcome to St. Just and to all of his loyal readers. take it away Just...... A.J The Batcave's closed(October 18, 2000) As I write this, My colleague Fabio2 has decided to close his excellent website, The Batcave along with his Superman Lives and DareDevil sites. The reason he gave was as follows I've come to the realization that running my websites just isn't any fun anymore. Added to that, I now receive more death threats; hate mail, some from webmasters (from Fandom's Comics Newsarama), some from comic book creators (Greg Rucka), lots from various schmucks, and also having to deal with an idiot child filmmaker (James Cluster); than I do regular mail. It's taken all the fun out of my internet experience. Fabio's commentary in full can be found here While I am a little upset, I respect Fabio's decision. In the short time that I met him, I have learned a lot of interesting things about the BatFilms and gained respect him because he always stood for what he said and never backed down from his views no matter what. On the other hand, Fabs was a wonderful person who I consider a great friend. Best of Luck on your future endeavors Fabs A.J Site ProblemsI'm pretty sure many of you have noticed broken links in many of the pages. The links in question belonged to the three images on the right. Apparently, FrontPage screwed up the links to the images and wouldn't keep the fixes even after I fixed them. I apologize for this and should have the problem cleared up in due time. A Somewhat New Look(August 8, 2000) Alright, everyone's been asking, Is The Bat dead? has some dastardly villain put A.J out of commission? Not quite. I have been spending a lot of time giving the site a minor facelift. The big problem was rewriting hundreds of pages of HTML code. Add that to my other personal priorities which in total didn't leave too much time. In the coming months expect comic reviews, news on Shadow of the Bat and other regular features. Till then take care and have fun A.J Important Announcement !!The makers of Shadow of the Bat are in trouble and need your help Due to some problems the filmmakers need some extra cash to help fund the movie. The creators of the movie have already given most of what they have but even that is not enough. The extra funds are needed to cover the cost of the costumes that will be used in the movie. If you would like to help out in any way then you can email Fabio2 and he'll provide further details on how you can help. Let's all try to help out fellow fans in need A.J Contact Fabio2 |